Jillian Tree

an aspiring photographer.

Cathee & Elizabeth. February 8, 2011

So it was a crazy weekend…I second shot my first two weddings! And was quite exhausted after, of course :)

But it was sooooo exciting, and I got to work with some amazing, wonderful photographers – the Churchill’s & Lara Rios!

So since then I’ve been trying to do some catching-up. From last weekend, at the workshop with Alex, after we shot the Kidd family, we also shot cute lil’ Elizabeth & her beautiful mom, Cathee! We found this neat shop street, for a perfect setting. Elizabeth was being such a goof for a while..nothing but cheesy smiles or angry faces, on purpose. But we managed to get her to have some fun and get some real laughter & smiles going :)

Elizabeth & her lunchbox:

What a cutie!

Feel the love <3

My favorite!

Some fun :)

Some cute mother-daughter time.

One more, with some extra LOVE:


Leesa + Matt. January 22, 2011

So, the workshop! It was amazing. Such a good, friendly group of photographers. And we all just sat & tried to absorb as much of what Ray Santana & Kenny Kim were telling us, and not miss a bit. I learned so many awesome tips! After, we went out to apply what we’d learned in a model shoot of a bride & groom. Other than the one I already put up in my previous post, following are my favorite pictures.

Meet Leesa & Matt. Models, not really getting married. They were so much fun though together!

We were at the beautiful Biltmore Hotel in Miami.

One of my favorites:

Meet Leesa: so fierce!

Meet Matt:

Okay, I gotta put up more of Leesa…too beautiful!

Another of my favorites:

So, as we were taking the pictures, we would check out each others, and I felt kinda unhappy with what I was getting. It seemed like all the other photographers in the group had better gear: a better camera body & awesome lenses. The photos on their screens looked better than what I was getting.

It also didn’t help that I had the wrong type of lens for the shoot.

I am a bit happier with my photos now…though still far from being pro photographs! :) But I would really, really like to get some better gear! Okay, sorry, I won’t put you through anymore of my pining for amazing yet expensive lenses (#hinttohubby #bdayscomingup). Moving on.

Feel free to leave comments about the photos, whether ya hate or love them, constructive criticism to help me improve, etc. I appreciate it! :)