Jillian Tree

an aspiring photographer.

Cathee & Elizabeth. February 8, 2011

So it was a crazy weekend…I second shot my first two weddings! And was quite exhausted after, of course :)

But it was sooooo exciting, and I got to work with some amazing, wonderful photographers – the Churchill’s & Lara Rios!

So since then I’ve been trying to do some catching-up. From last weekend, at the workshop with Alex, after we shot the Kidd family, we also shot cute lil’ Elizabeth & her beautiful mom, Cathee! We found this neat shop street, for a perfect setting. Elizabeth was being such a goof for a while..nothing but cheesy smiles or angry faces, on purpose. But we managed to get her to have some fun and get some real laughter & smiles going :)

Elizabeth & her lunchbox:

What a cutie!

Feel the love <3

My favorite!

Some fun :)

Some cute mother-daughter time.

One more, with some extra LOVE:


February + family sneak peek. February 2, 2011

February is one of my favorites months. How could it not be? Valentine’s Day & my birthday, within ten days of each other?Pretty sweet! But then again our anniversary isn’t till september, so that’s a big gap, & Christmas is over ten months away. I guess there’s pro’s & con’s to everything. ;) Not that waiting for holidays is what we should look forward to in life. It really isn’t. Except, for the holiday where we join Jesus in Heaven one day. Other than that, there’s much more in and to life than holidays. Like living your life with and for Jesus :)

So I’ve been slacking on a new post. Not on purpose, it’s just that it’s been a crazy, roller-coaster ride, past few days, that I’ve only been able to survive thanks to having Jesus by my side!

And now I am finally updating my blog :)


The workshop – was AMAZING! Alex was so awesome, I had an incredible day with her. We went out for some Chipotle for lunch, then met up with a couple families for some photoshooting! I was a bit nervous, but we had a lot of fun & ended up with some great pictures. Here is a sneak peek of the Kidd family:

And here is a sneak peek of goofy lil’ Elizabeth & her beautiful mom, Cathee:

More to come in the next day or so :)


Roadtrip to Jacksonville. January 29, 2011

My first time driving longer than 2 hours by myself (it’s a 5 hour drive). My first time checking into a hotel, completely by myself. I’ve always had my husband, and before that my family, with me – so its a new adventure. And the reason? A workshop. Yes, another one. Or rather, this one is more like a 1-on-1 mentoring day, with Alexandra Walker from Alex Michelle Photography. Kinda like shadowing her for a day, even with a photoshoot! Oh, and stick in there the many many questions I’ll be asking.


You could say I’m pretty stoked for tomorrow :)


This is the last workshop for now (though I did just head about one possibly in march with Susan Stripling, which would be amazing…! hmmm). However, next weekend, next Saturday…I’ll be second shooting my first wedding ever, with the lovely couple Jolie & JP Churchill, from Churchill’s Photography! David & I met them for coffee about a month or two ago, and they were so friendly, open, welcoming & wonderful! Jolie is pregnant (possibly twins?) and so I’m coming to help them. I am super excited to work with them in just a week!

So be expecting some pictures coming up on the blog soon! From tomorrow, as well as next weekend.


Have a great rest of the weekend, friends! Hopefully you don’t have another 5-hour drive back from Jacksonville to Ft Lauderdale, Sunday night. Not that thats what I’ll be up to  :D